Input/Output Types

Why types?


When we connect two pins between modules, the question arise that, can we connect them? As example in previous diagram shows, if Module_A‘s output OA will write csv, and Module_B‘s input want read tsv, our task will failed because of mismatch of types.

So, we borrow a simple type system like Union Type. It will help module designers to constraint module’s inputs and outputs. In datacanvas frontend, we will also do type checking to help user’s discover mismatch between input and output during design stage the work flow.

Informally, a simple-type is a just a string, for example, “csv”, “csv.salary.table”, “”. And, simple-type is case sensitive. Also, Input/Output type is a set of simple-type. So, two Input/Output pins can connect, if and only if the intersect of two types are not empty.

Type system will be helpful if it is applied properly. Some wrong way to use type system are:

  1. Use same type for a lot of modules. This will “turn off” type checking.
  2. Choose type name wisely. Some type name like, “hive.table.A” are less informative. It may be less helpful for using that module.

Type List
